Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I've moved!

My post this week - and all posts from this point forward - can be found at my new website:


Please join me there.

I have a gift for you when you sign up with your email - a foldable bookmark - "Growing Your Relationship with God."

God bless you. I hope to see you at my new site!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Passover Lamb

God Provided

God provided protection for His people: Death was coming, and blood was the only thing that could save you. Kill a spotless (perfect and without blame) lamb and mark your door with its blood. Death would literally PASS OVER your home, and those inside would be spared. All you had to do was believe enough to do it. Read all about it here.

The Israelites had just witnessed some pretty serious stuff. The Nile had turned to blood. Bugs and frogs everywhere. But this was the only plague that came with an "opt-out" moment. Serious stuff: Wanna protect the first-born inside? Paint the doorway and stay inside. Protection for the price of a lamb.

God provided a Lamb for us.

We, too, are facing death. Eternal death and separation from God. Blood is still the only thing that will save anyone. But the Lamb for us was Jesus, and His blood on the cross was our doorway protection.

That night - the original Passover - the LORD Himself went through the land to check the doors. (Exodus 12: 23) He didn't leave a job this important to someone else. He alone checked to see who had believed.

It's all about the cross.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"God Will Provide A Lamb"

God Will Provide

I want the faith of Abraham. Yes, I know I'm not supposed to envy others, but seriously! Abe had a double dose of faith.

God promised to greatly increase his numbers and then asked him to sacrifice his only son. There has to be a major disconnect there. You can read the story here in Genesis 22. But, Abraham set out the next day to obey. He trusted God to keep His word. He even told his servants that he and the boy would return. (verse 5) When his son Isaac asked where the sacrifice was, Abe simply said, "God will provide the lamb."

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Roaring Lion: Friend or Faux?

A lion's roar can be heard - by humans - over 5 miles. When the male lion roars, he's out on patrol, scouring his territory to chase off intruders. His roar is comforting to the other lions in his group - or pride. It makes them feel safe. They have spent enough time around him that they recognize his distinctive sound. It also has the bonus effect of letting the intruders know that he's out there and this is his territory. If a lion is hunting, he is in stealth mode until just prior to his attack. Then the roar is used to disorient and terrify the prey.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lion or Lamb?

Welcome to March, Fellow Travelers!

One of the things about March in Oklahoma is the unpredictable weather. Tuesday's high was 59. Wednesday we had a major ice/snow storm. We're expecting 70's next week. It's a crazy temperature roller coaster.

Jesus is Constant - 

As we look at the Lion and Lamb this March, we will NOT be talking about the weather. We are approaching the most important season of the year for believers - EASTER. So, this month we'll be exploring two aspects of our Savior's character: Lion and Lamb.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Behold, all things are new...

My finished journal page

Take Me Deeper - 

February 27

Love Yourself

2 Cor. 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

I wanted my page for this week to literally be reminder of this key verse. I started with a single stencil and several colors of acrylic paint to represent how scattered I was before I met Christ. There were areas that looked pretty good on the surface, but there was absolutely no sense of purpose.

Then I started adding layers. These layers represent the various things God has brought me through.
Masking tape and drywall tape